
Augustus 1914:
de strijd om de westelijk Maasoever
The French Fourth Army withdrew slowly and made a stand on the Meuse.........


November 1918:
Stenay - de bevrijding op 12 november 1918 door de 89 divisie van het 353st Regiment Infanterie van de Amerikanen.


Oorzaken en aanleiding van de eerste wereldoorlog.....

Le Boucher de Verdun

Het boek: 'De schlachter van Verdun' door Louis Dumur.

Meuse-Argonne offensief

the greatest American battle of the First World War.

Foto: The last two minutes of fighting. Taken at 10.58 AM, 11 November 1918, just before the Armistice went into effect; men of the 353rd Infantry, near the church at Stenay, Meuse, wait for the end of hostilities. (SC034981)


History of the 353rd Infantry Regiment - 89th Division

"The 12th of November, 1918, found the 353rd Infantry concentrated in Stenay. Since entering the Lucey Sector a hundred days before the men of the regiment had been sheltered in dugouts and fox-holes; now they occupied the homes of this French city.
A summary of information had given these facts at the beginning of the advance on November 1st:
"Stenay, on the Meuse, sixteen kilometers southwest of Montmedy, 4,070 inhabitants, 598 houses, one mill, 200 wells, one nail factory, one sawmill, barracks for three artillery regiments, passenger and freight depots on the Sedan-Longwy railroad........."